Writer, editor, brand and content strategist focusing on the complexities of career development, leadership, and social impact by harnessing stories, research, and data.
Digital Inclusion Toolkit
While at NTEN, in celebration of its unique digital fellowship with Google Fiber, I managed the creation of this digital toolkit which highlighted lessons and tips for communities interested in equity. Specifically, I led the editorial design and direction, managed the workflow of the program lead and the content manager, edited content, and worked with a designer on its final creation.
Idealist Careers: Digital Publication
I envisioned, launched, and managed Idealist Careers, a digital publication for social-impact professionals reaching over 240,000 people each month. I set the editorial direction, email strategy, and managed writers, designers, and more from 2012-2015.
Code2040 Strategic Plan 2019-2023
After co-leading the strategic planning process for a nonprofit focused on racial equity, I distilled the new direction and mission into a compelling, engaging storytelling document. (This is not a slideshare project rather the document is hosted on slideshare.)
2018 Annual Report
Working across the organization and with a design firm, I wrote the 2018 annual report for Code2040. As a startup constantly influx, capturing successes of the previous year while acknowledging ongoing change, was a challenge. I addressed this challenge by celebrating the past and painting a bold picture of the future in an interactive story and design.
How Lisa Transitioned At Work And Made It Safer For Others To Do The Same
As the editor of Idealist Careers, I prioritized stories from diverse communities on their professional journeys. In this story, Lisa shares her transition in the work place and the challenges she faced along the way. I edited the story, design, and direction of this piece.
Introverts as social change leaders: Interview with Susan Cain ...
As editor of Idealist Careers, I felt it was important to see various sides of social impact work. By interviewing thought leaders like Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, I elevated interesting perspectives of this sector. In this case, the role of introverts in social change leadership.
We aren't doing enough to change the world: Interview with Peter Buffett
Idealist Careers, a publication by Idealist.org
5 Common Misconceptions That Make You Bad At Networking
Wrote a column for Fast Company on the ins-and-outs and WTFs of job hunting and career building. This piece honed in on how to make networking feel less icky and more authentic.
This simple equation could revolutionize your to-do list
Busy professionals have to make tons of decisions. Wouldn't be awesome if there was a away to simplify decision making? For Business Insider, I shared one technique I found interesting.
Reasons Job Seekers Should Volunteer - AskMen
Ask Men Magazine -- the number one site to help men improve their lives -- wanted to know how volunteering could help readers advance their careers. I laid out three ways and few tips to get started.
The Cost of Staying Active and Optimistic During a Job Search
Advice shared on how to live without a job often misses the mark. In this personal essay I shared how managed job hunting, without a job, and maintain my sense of self.
Informational Interviews: How to Find Your Next Job Over Coffee ...
Informational Interviews: How to Find Your Next Job...